Sunday, August 3, 2008

A work re-work: a rough draft

So what am I doing with this? So far, I've purchased an electronic organizer. I've opted for an Apple iPod Touch, which is very slim but has a nice calendar and supports third-party applications. The calendar application supports multiple calendars, so I can have both my work and personal calendars available, but not mixed together.

I've also purchased Things through the iTunes App Store from Cultured Code. It is a GTD-oriented task management application, and so far it seems to be working well. I've started to input all the projects that I have in progress at the moment. I'm also recording any task that I think of as soon as I'm able. The list is depressingly long and growing fast, but at the same time it's also a relief to have one place to look for work to get done. I haven't been using it long, but already it's a relief to know that I have a record of stuff that I need to get done.

I'm also going to try an experiment at the office this week. I'm going to start closing Outlook. I have my calendar available on my iPod Touch, so I don't need to worry about missing meetings. I'll try to check my mail every hour or two, and process everything then. I plan to notify the people who I deal with most often, but everybody else will just have to wait. If it's urgent, they'll be calling anyway.

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